Trucking and Tire Repair Shop
West Valley Tire is a Tire & Auto Repair shop near the I-10 in Buckeye, AZ that services tractor trailer trucks. We are your one stop shop for large truck, box truck and semi truck tires in the West valley.

West Valley Tire has been a fixture in Buckeye, AZ for years. We service all tires: small cars, big cars, farmers, commercial tires, truck/trailers, mounting and balancing and more. We do tire repairs and tire patches and have FREE AIR if you just need some air in your tires.We are a full service auto shop that provides oil changes, brakes, belts/hoses, A/C, batteries and more! We are your one stop shop in Buckeye, AZ for complete tire and auto repair. If you are wanting new wheels/rims, we do that too!WE OFFER FINANCING ON EVERYTHING! Ask about how you can get the services and products you want and pay over time.
(623) 386-6974